About the Dreyma Community
Welcome to Dreyma Gaming! Join us on our adventure with our growing and active community! Our community is a safe space that encourages uniqueness, having fun with others and takes pride in being a non-toxic, friendly place for all to enjoy. Our gaming servers are prepaid for long-term and we don't plan to go anywhere any time soon!
The Dreyma Gaming community started with our Ark SE cluster on PlayStation, which opened on October 6, 2021 and has just recently celebrated reaching a member count of over six thousand as of October 2022. Since then we have continued to grow and expand with the release of our Ark clusters for PC/Steam on December 4th, 2022. In the future, we hope to continue expanding into other games as well.
If you are looking for a non-toxic, player focused place to play games and make friends on PlayStation or Steam, check out Dreyma Gaming and join our community today.

Hello All! Here at Dreyma Gaming we have built a wonderful space for players from the foundation of an amazing community. We are inclusive to all, whether it be LGBTQ+, people from different cultures and backgrounds and we have the tools to help people who speak other languages a fair chance to communicate with everyone on our servers. We aim for everyone no matter staff or player to enjoy gaming together and we take pride in that. No matter what your play style is you are welcome here! Luckily a lot of amazing people have claimed Dreyma as their home and we would love to have you as well!
<3 Emp
Rest in Peace Dearest Jim
Nov 1, 2021 - Dec 14, 2021
Victim of the Winter Wonderland Event
Song will be sung of your adventures for years to come.
Your companionship and bravery will be remembered for
all time (or at least until Fear Evolved comes back.)